For Austin and me. Lots of stuff to bring to work!! I am working at the Parent's Day out program up at our church three days a week, 9:30-2:30. I am working with the 2-3 year
olds, and Austin gets to go to the baby room for free!! Bonus! Busy first day for me and him. When I picked him up at the end of the day I was told he had a great first day. He had "colored" a bus. And by colored I mean, a line of green, and line of blue. She also told me I might want to bring him more food for lunch. I was like...yeah, he eats a lot....so...I mean I packed him a whole hot dog, six or seven grapes, about a half a cup of mixed veggies, several teddy grahams. Plus I gave him a snack before I dropped him off. He is an eating machine.

Posing for the camera. Tell grandpa how excited he is for school.

The boys hanging out watching football.

Bump on the noggin'. He fell the other day, like he does a hundred times a day. This time he landed just perfectly so that his head hit the corner of the stereo cabinet. Poor