Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I love Snow!!!

You know you have lived in Iowa too long when the phrase..."Oh, no, we didn't get too much snow last night just 5 or 6 inches..." comes out of your mouth.

Austin thought it was fun for about...2 seconds. we came inside and took a picture.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

7 months

Austin celebrated his 7 month birthday by being sick. He had been waking up a few nights in a row in the middle of the night which was odd. After the 3rd night of rocking and shushing...we were ready to start the tough love. He was so sad. I finally went in there, and he was burning up 101 fever, then I felt really bad for making him wait so long. Just snotty cold nothing else. The few days his fever was high he didn't want to do much of anything but lay on Josh and I luckily it was part of the weekend, and we could trade off. Even with his fever eyes, and bright red cheeks he managed to give us a smile every now and again. He is feeling better, and we are looking forward to Christmas!!

This is his, I'm going to crawl, but then sits back up and is like just kidding... He is lazy/smart because if he can figure out a way to pull whatever he wants towards him he is golden, otherwise, he just gives up and moves on to something else.
I feel like this picture he looks like he is in a rap video like as one of the friends of the singer that is there just to make random phrases into the, "Yeah!"..."uh!"..."What! What!"...or just starts sporadically me?

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Monday, November 24, 2008

Tis the season...

Here's to the holidays and overindulging on food and beverages. Ordering the big beer at dinner always sounds like a good idea until you forget you are dealing with a 6 month old. After high chair issues, sterilizing the area, picking up toys off the floor, moving everything in arms reach across the table, feeding him...he finally gets settled, and you are like...

" he asleep?...ok, he's asleep?...can someone pass me my warm beer?...ok,...can you help me, his arm is stuck...look, just put the glass to my lips...never mind, just hold his arms...ok, no, I'm good...I'm good..."

Thursday, November 20, 2008's winter. is cold out there. I am worn out just getting him ready to go out the door. Fortunately, by the time I am done, I am so sweaty I don't need my coat..bahdum, dum....ching?

This is how it starts...coat and son goes in...he can't move...I laugh, get camera....Austin gives me the courtesy smile...and then is like, ok, Mom, seriously I'm stuck.

Mmm...dinner, so far he likes all food...just like his parents. As you can tell he is by no means malnourished. He doesn't want dinner to end. Even getting mad when I take the spoon away. At which point I usually reply with some form of "Get mad about it!" or Josh might throw in a, "You're about ready to get a spankin' son." You know, we like to mix it up. He looks pretty cute in his elephant shirt from Lisa though. :)

The ever growing 3 strands of hair. He pretty much has the head of a senile 80 year old man. He has like 4 strands sticking up on end, holding onto the patch in the back, and then has a couple of crazy one's that are like insanely long for no reason, and of course won't lay flat. It is hard to take it all in, since it is all blond. But it keeps the conversasche flowing that's for sure.

Side view. I think he looks like Spike from the Gremlins...magwai cute spike, not eating after midnight Gremlin Spike.

Jumping in his jumperoo...rain forest theme...he kind of likes it....

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

We're back...

Austin and I have been traveling for the past few weeks, but are back at home to Iowa and blogging. Austin just turned 6 months. Pretty average across the board except for his ginormous head. We just bought him this hat thinking it would last through the winter, but I don't is already fitting on the noggin' just perf.

Our first stop was Austin, TX...ha, ha Austin in Austin....we went to my cousin's wedding. Got to have lunch with Lisa, although we were unable to get any pics, we still had a fabulous time holding each other's kids. :)

Josh headed home. While me, my parents and my sister Tara and her family headed to San Antonio to see some of my dad's fam. Here is Grandma and Austin having lunch on the river walk.

Grandpa killing time before our flight taking Austin for a stroll.
It was a fun trip. We left the 70's of Texas to arrive home to Iowa...where it was snowing. Josh said welcome back. Austin has become quite the seasoned traveler. My uncle asked how many states he has been in so far. I was like....only Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Texas....I mean that's pretty average for a 6 month old right?
No wonder I am so tired.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Halloween and the giggle box.

Went to a Halloween party Friday night. You knew one of us was going to be wearing a wig.

These guys are who Josh and I are dressed up as. They both are friends of ours that work at the University hospital. We joke that our kids get Josh and Jerry confused all time because they are both bald. "Jerry's" name tag said he specialized in free mammograms. Travis, the guy I am dressed as, has an antibacterial lotion problem, so I wore some around my neck. He asked to borrow it several times that night. I ended up just giving it to him

Here is our little Tigger complete with his baby shocks on. We figure between Josh and I he is going to need all the help he can get with his "ups".
This is the only thing I do that makes Austin giggle uncontrollably. I apologize for it being repetitive and annoying, but hey, whatever makes him laugh.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

On the move.

Snoozing...Why he likes to get himself in the most confining position? I have no idea. Also, love the hair?...He is holding on to that last patch as long as possible.

Austin, rollin' in his first set of wheels.

Later he started singing Ice Ice Baby while he was crusin'. He was all like, "Girlie's on the stand by waiting just to say hi....Did you stop?..No I just rolled by. Kept on, pursuing to the next stop...." Ok, he didn't really sing that. But it would have been cool if he did.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

They grow up so fast.

Just another beautiful day here in Iowa. A warm 53 degrees with just a slight haze in the air. Might be getting the ole' suit on later and catching some pneumonia.

Amazing how much they grow in such a little time. I have been reminiscing with pictures. Today Austin's new trick was rolling over in the middle of the night. I forgot to take his stuffed animal out of his crib, and this morning I found him completely turned around, laying on his doggy like a pillow, head to the side singing and squealing.

Just some look how big he is getting pictures. Love this one of him and forward a few was like a wrestling match trying to get him to sit still for the camera, obviously didn't work.

Ahhh bath time, so sweet with my yellow child with a separated cranium. Be very gentle, not too much water...what a relaxing experience.

Now it's like....OK, hold still, no more splashing....water is all over the place, quit putting the wash cloth in your's like the fastest bath in the Midwest...partly my fault since I have been putting off the real tub as long as possible, but alas it's time. little boy is all growsed up.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Postpartum depression study: Uh, will this be multiple choice?

I guess some perks of living in a college town is the opportunity to participate in lots of research studies. I vaguely remember someone at the hospital after Austin was born, telling me that people might contact me to see if I would be willing to take part in these projects. I was called last week asking if I would answer some questions about postpartum depression. At first I was like, uh, how long is this going to take? She said just a few minutes, and they would pay me $5. Hey, 5 bucks is 5 bucks. I mean that's a Starbucks ladies. So, of course I agree. Then they might call me again for a follow up. Which would be a little bit longer...$20. Hello new part time job. :)

So fast forward to the second interview. Now if you would have asked me before all this began if I had suffered from postpartum depression? I might have said...sure, I mean at the beginning. Just adjusting, and finding a niche after baby, I'm sure I had some feelings of "depression", but obviously not the Family Guy episode portrayal of postpartum depression...when Peter is constantly dunking Stewie in the water, and he says...look Lois, I'm sad about that show...Anyway, don't want to harm myself or Have I ever been so frustrated with my child, that I could maybe throw like a pillow across the room?...sure.

So, I get into the more in depth interview, and I'm thinking the talk is going to be focused on like right after having the baby. I was really surprised that she was focusing more on this past month. As she is asking me these questions, I'm like...yeah, I've been feeling this way. Yeah, I've been anxious, and sad, and tired, and moody, and unmotivated....I just thought that was called being a girl. So, $20 later, I am now having a personal interview. If they feel like I am still a candidate for the study, then they will put me in a treatment program that is part of the research as well. So, been kind of interesting for sure. Will keep you posted.

On the other side of things Austin was asked to be in a movement/memory study for babies. He didn't get paid, but he did get a free toy, so that was kind of fun. Loving the college town.

If you have made it this far, I guess you could call this my postpartum depression problem solver.

The question being...What happens when you find your son in the morning hungry and crying, but he has managed to pee all over himself and the crib?

Answer: You throw the first outfit you can find on him...take it all in the shapes, the colors, it was early and dark....and only later that morning did I realized the heinousness that is this outfit.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I couldn't resist.

My neighbor was having a garage sale last weekend, and I had to buy these pants. They were so ugly, they were cute. They are like western themed "zuba" pants. Josh thinks they horrible, but whatev. And his shirt says I love "moomy" with a cow on it. I was laughing the whole time I dressed him. It's the little things...

Getting ready for our morning walk. It was chilly out there.
Scary monkey video and blowing spit bubbles...good times.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Weekend Fun!

Austin getting ready for lunch. He was all smiles because he likes food like his mom. He looked pretty cute in his bib from Chancy!

This picture makes us look like horrible parents. This was while we were eating dinner at a wedding this past weekend.

"Where's you son?"
"Oh, it's cool...he's under the table...sure I'll take another beer."

Austin cheese-ing it up for the camera

Lazy Sunday with Dad.

Bath time!!! He has a diaper on, but in the bumbo it looks like not so much....the muffin top is hiding it.

I'm about ready to move to Vegas and put this kid in Cirque De Sole...I'm not even mad, I'm impressed.

Austin spending some quality time with his feet. I don't know why it is so funny to watch?

Thursday, September 11, 2008

4 months old!

Our little chunk turned 4 months the other day. He and I both got our updated shots today. I went first telling him it wasn't that bad. He was all smiles until the nurses stuck him. He was looking at one of the nurses this time instead of me, so I think he blames her. It went better than I thought. Not too much crying. He is weighing in at 15 lb and 6.6 oz, so about average. His head is like 85%, so I'm like maybe it was a good thing he was a c-section baby.

Favorite past time is grabbing his feet. Stopping only to eat. He tries to hold onto them then too, but also wants to hold onto the bottle, and my he is still working on multi-tasking.

Me and Austin getting ready to go out to eat. Big night on the town. Well, at least from 6-7:30 anyway. Great weather here in Iowa, hoping it will last.

Austin is developing so fast he and Josh are now reading the same book. Austin enjoys the in depth squeaking noises that some pages make, while Josh just likes the pictures.

Went home for the week and had him baptised in my family church. Both fams were there to help celebrate. He did really good. All smiles for the baptism, fussed a little during the service, Josh handed him over, and he promptly fell asleep on me the rest of the time.

This is how we roll these days in the neighborhood. Checking on the mail and flowers. We might even go on a short walk up the street. I know we get crazy.

This is how we roll in the car. More stuff in his car seat. I'm like whatever keeps him happy.

Grandma and her boys. Austin had a lot of fun with all of his cousins when we were home. Caught his first cold too while he was there. Josh and I were really missing getting up all hours of the night, so that was fun. Glad he is starting to feel better, and sleep through the night again.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Day at the beach...ok, reservoir.

Pre-kid day at the beach:
Noon: wake up, have a bloody mary
12:30-6pm: Hit the beach, drink, play catch and or drinking games, tan one side 30 min., swim, tan other side 30 min., swim, repeat rest of the afternoon. Go home and get ready to go out with a nice golden tan all over your body.

Beach with kid:
6 a.m.-noon: feed baby, play, nap, feed baby, play, nap, vacuum and pick up house, mow the lawn.
noon-2:00-get together everything needed for beach and baby, feed baby, play, nap.
2:00-2:30 Finally at beach....feed baby hunched under an umbrella, because you forgot chairs.
2:30-2:40 play catch with husband, because he has talked about it all morning, while baby hangs out on blanket staring at sand.
2:40-baby starts crying so take him to water to put his feet in.
2:42-baby starts crying
2:45-put baby back in car seat to relax and hopefully nap...
2:45 and 30 sec-baby starts screaming
2:50-3:15 walk baby around under shade tree to try and calm down...switching off with husband so you can jump in the water for 2 seconds to cool off.
3:15-3:45-rock baby under umbrella hunched over because you forgot the %$#^ chairs!!
3:45-3:55-baby falls asleep and you attempt to put him back in his car seat.
3:55-4:00-baby wakes up and starts screaming, pour out your warm beer you had 2 sips from. Pack everything up and go home.
Put the kid down for a nap, and go and play corn hole in the back yard with husband with a nice golden tan on your shins.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Keep Austin weird.

Here is Austin supporting local business's in Austin. Of course we couldn't resist getting him this onesie.

Look how mad he is at me. Do you think it's because he feels the koozie is too much?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I'm kind of a big deal....

Austin's crib smells of rich mahogany, and he has many leather bound books....
Josh loves Anchor Man, so where he found this shirt I have no idea.

He loves his new hat!!

I just think this picture is cute. I was tickling his feet.

This is what happens when I leave Josh alone with him for 2 seconds. Sorry he likes big sunglasses like the celebrities.

We went to a dinner party the other night. The theme was Olympics, so every course was from a different country. Josh and I had to dress up...(yes, we were the only ones.) We were the silver medal ping pong champions. Silver, because it was easy to make, and Josh told everyone USA never wins gold in ping pong. Austin was on the baseball team.