Tuesday, November 11, 2008

We're back...

Austin and I have been traveling for the past few weeks, but are back at home to Iowa and blogging. Austin just turned 6 months. Pretty average across the board except for his ginormous head. We just bought him this hat thinking it would last through the winter, but I don't know....it is already fitting on the noggin' just perf.

Our first stop was Austin, TX...ha, ha Austin in Austin....we went to my cousin's wedding. Got to have lunch with Lisa, although we were unable to get any pics, we still had a fabulous time holding each other's kids. :)

Josh headed home. While me, my parents and my sister Tara and her family headed to San Antonio to see some of my dad's fam. Here is Grandma and Austin having lunch on the river walk.

Grandpa killing time before our flight taking Austin for a stroll.
It was a fun trip. We left the 70's of Texas to arrive home to Iowa...where it was snowing. Josh said welcome back. Austin has become quite the seasoned traveler. My uncle asked how many states he has been in so far. I was like....only Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Texas....I mean that's pretty average for a 6 month old right?
No wonder I am so tired.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He looks super cute in that hat. I wish we could have seen you guys. Austin is a traveling baby. Whoa.