Sunday, October 26, 2008

Halloween and the giggle box.

Went to a Halloween party Friday night. You knew one of us was going to be wearing a wig.

These guys are who Josh and I are dressed up as. They both are friends of ours that work at the University hospital. We joke that our kids get Josh and Jerry confused all time because they are both bald. "Jerry's" name tag said he specialized in free mammograms. Travis, the guy I am dressed as, has an antibacterial lotion problem, so I wore some around my neck. He asked to borrow it several times that night. I ended up just giving it to him

Here is our little Tigger complete with his baby shocks on. We figure between Josh and I he is going to need all the help he can get with his "ups".
This is the only thing I do that makes Austin giggle uncontrollably. I apologize for it being repetitive and annoying, but hey, whatever makes him laugh.


Amanda Stehlik said...

I love how he turns and looks at the camera half way thru the, "Hey, are you getting this? I'm really laughing here!" Too cute!

Unknown said...

i love that babies don't stop you from going to halloween parties.

Liz said...

Don't you love that you are the annoying mom you always said you wouldn't be? :) I stopped keeping count of all the things we said we wouldn't do, but now do.
He looks adorable in his tigger outfit!

Christy said...

Love the Tigger and the laughing. Man, I wish Cale could sit up! And the Halloween party....agree with Ro.

Lena said...

He is soooo round!!! So, cute!!!