Thursday, November 20, 2008's winter. is cold out there. I am worn out just getting him ready to go out the door. Fortunately, by the time I am done, I am so sweaty I don't need my coat..bahdum, dum....ching?

This is how it starts...coat and son goes in...he can't move...I laugh, get camera....Austin gives me the courtesy smile...and then is like, ok, Mom, seriously I'm stuck.

Mmm...dinner, so far he likes all food...just like his parents. As you can tell he is by no means malnourished. He doesn't want dinner to end. Even getting mad when I take the spoon away. At which point I usually reply with some form of "Get mad about it!" or Josh might throw in a, "You're about ready to get a spankin' son." You know, we like to mix it up. He looks pretty cute in his elephant shirt from Lisa though. :)

The ever growing 3 strands of hair. He pretty much has the head of a senile 80 year old man. He has like 4 strands sticking up on end, holding onto the patch in the back, and then has a couple of crazy one's that are like insanely long for no reason, and of course won't lay flat. It is hard to take it all in, since it is all blond. But it keeps the conversasche flowing that's for sure.

Side view. I think he looks like Spike from the Gremlins...magwai cute spike, not eating after midnight Gremlin Spike.

Jumping in his jumperoo...rain forest theme...he kind of likes it....


Li Li said...

Totally adorable-- and he has got one of the cutest smiles I have ever seen!!

And thanks for the shout-out!


Unknown said...

He just looks like such a doll; a huggable doll. Good posts and the descriptions are too funny.

Christy said...

Love it. He looks like the little brother in the Christmas Story. You know with the red rider bebe gun??

Lena said...

He is so cute!!! You are totally right about not have a coat for you after you get your kid ready!!!