Last spring and summer we were still staying cool outside of Iowa City. When we learned that Josh's job of almost a decade, Chrysler Financial, was no longer considered a viable finance company for Chrysler LLC. It started us in action to evaluate what we wanted to do. We decided if Josh was ultimately going to get laid off, then we wanted to move back near family.
We put the house on the market and 31 days later it was sold. We officially moved back to the KC area in August, and Josh stayed in Iowa until he was eventually laid off.
Josh working while moving. Austin taking a break from all the heavy lifting
I took a job at our church with the Parents Day Out program 3 days a week teaching the two year old classes, and so Austin could attend in the baby room.
We moved in with my parents while we were looking for a house. Josh took a job in St. Jo, MO which was not close, so at first we had lots to consider in location. We found a house we thought had potential, but it was a short sale. If you know anything about short sales....they are not short. 4 months later.....we got out of the short sale, and started looking again.
We eventually did find another house. We moved in March, and we have been working on it ever since. Josh lovingly refers to it as the money pit. In the past we have always owned newer homes, so....every day it seems we discover another joy of owning a 30 year old house. :) When we do find time to relax we do love our deck, and always enjoy having company!
In those crazy 6 months of being without a home. Josh took another job as the credit manager with MHC Truck Leasing. Much closer than St Jo, and lots of growth potential for him in the future.
We also learned that I was pregnant. We are expecting our second son Sept 14!!! Everything has been going well so far! We are excited!

Austin and I both loved our time at PDO this year. He always looks forward to going to school. All the teachers were so good to him. I am hoping to keep him in the program next year as well. Unfortunately, since I am due in Sept. I will not be able to work there. I took another job this past month at Element Fitness. A gym 3 minutes from our house. I am doing membership sales and just was certified to teach their Body Pump and Body Step classes. It has been challenging, especially doing all this pregnant, but a lot of fun. I have always wanted to get back into teaching aerobics since college. They have a great kids area there. Austin loves "jumping" as he calls it, and the best part is the baby can come with me in the fall.
Austin just celebrated his second birthday. He loves choo-choos, cars, balls, ruffs (dogs), mowing (lawn mower), and talks about them all day long.
He likes to pat my tummy and say "baby", or makes a shushing sound for the baby sleeping. We were snuggling in bed the other morning watching choo-choos. Austin was drinking his milk, and before I knew it he had the sippy cup spout in my belly button saying, "baby mulk"....I had to tell him not to worry, that mommy feeds the baby plenty throughout the day. :)
He is quite the talker that is for sure. Josh is teaching him all about hair bands and air guitar. Even though we deal with the tantrums of a two year old. He can be pretty sweet sometimes too. My favorite is when he says, "Mama, hug."
So here we are, May...Josh and I are about to celebrate our birthdays at the end of the month. New house, new jobs, baby on the way....two year old keeping us on our toes. Did I forget anything? Probably. We hope to do a better job of staying in touch this year. Have a safe and Happy summer!
Love, The Stegings
Love, The Stegings