Monday, November 15, 2010

Two months already?

Time flies when you are delirious. Luke hanging out in the bumbo. He wanted me to shoot him from above because he said it makes his face look thin. :) He is starting to smile a lot which is fun. Austin loves talking to him and making him laugh too..."Ma Ma, baby brudder is miling!"

Aah yes, feeding is always feeding time. I am happy to pass it off when I can. Austin was so proud of himself for helping out. We just had to remind him frequently to hold the bottle, not shove it into his mouth.

After a while though Luke kept looking at me like,...seriously? Are you really going to let him feed me this whole thing?
Oh....two year helpful...
I had just woken up. Luke was rustling around, so I unswaddled him, and was letting him stretch out in his crib while I fixed a bottle.
Austin had come in to help, and asked me, "Baby brudder wake up?" In my sleepy state I replied, "Yes."
Austin then asked me something about one of the stuffed animals on the adjacent bed being Luke's. In my sleep deprived state I remember thinking to myself....I mean if you want to get technical. Luke can't hold his head up and/or grab an object by himself right now, so NO....the stuffed animal at this point is really just decoration....but instead I realized explaining this to a two year old at that moment would be very exhausting, so I just replied, "Yes, that's Lukes."
.....enter scene....

"What are you doing?!?!?!"
Austin had taken everything off of the bed and put it in the crib with Luke. Being that they were Luke's his head, he thought they should be in bed with him.

Then I got a little closer...let's look at exhibit we have a variety of stuffed animals.....a bib...the comfortable yet stylish Baby Bjorn....a shoe? Apparently it was a grab as much stuff as you can until mom gets back. Yeah, we had a chat about putting things in his crib especially when I am not in the room.
Poor Luke. I guess he better start getting used to it.

In a better moment. Austin and I made oatmeal blueberry muffins the other morning. He had three...

Guess he liked them.