Monday, October 15, 2007

Working 9 to 5...

Or 8 to 3:15...whatever. So, last Friday as I was packing to leave for KC for my 10 year high school reunion...which will be another blog, once I get my camera back...long story. We receive a phone early that Josh assumes it's a telemarketer. She askes for RiANNeh....which apparently is what Ryann looks to sound out as. Josh, lays into the woman..."Who's RiANNeh?"...the poor woman fumbling starts trying other names...RyANN, Reeannuh, Reena...because apparently "Ryan" is a foreign name in Iowa. Josh finally realizes that it's not a telemarketer hands me the phone. It's a sub job...for the booming metroplis of West Branch, Iowa...home of Herbert Hoover. Why do I know this? Because the 30 seconds it took to drive through the town there was about 20 signs that made reference to it. So....I have a job 4 days this week at the high school. I went today not real sure what I was doing. She said they needed help with their ITED testing...which I pretty much assumed that stood for watching a spec. ed student pick the wrong answers on the standardized test while waiting for him/her to ask me to read the tough words like "standardized test."

Man, I thought sitting at home was least I could be in my sweats, and check my email. I basically worked 1 hour and sat for 6. Although tomorrow I might wear my sweats. I felt overdressed in my Khaki's and button down shirt. I was about to go crazy when I befriended the librarian and she showed me to the stack of People magazines. The last kid I sat with pretty much told me right away he didn't want help reading. I was like, fine with that point, I was already into my second people magazine...which of course was how fat and crazy Brittany still is. I mean sure this kid asked to go to the bathroom and was gone for 30 min....but is Brittany ever going to get her life back on track for these kids?


Unknown said...

it is about time you got back to i feel your pain because i had to read a math test to some ding-dong last year. i was like, "1/2 divided by 1/2 is?" and of course it would take her like 4 minutes to decide to choose answer: b. 1/3

I feel your pain. You are lucky you got magazines.

Li Li said...

That last part made me laugh...who cares about the kid...but will britany get it together. haha

Christy said...

Man, subbing. Nice. I love it because you can always say no and roll back over to sleep.

Mrs. H said...

It's always worth the wait...for another Ryann blog post. I check your site like 5 times a day. You freaking crack me up.

Ro, your comment made me laugh out loud. :)

Can't wait for the reunion post!!

Lena said...

I never seen what Scotty saw in Britany?
You are histarical!