Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Summer Traveling

Spent the fourth at Josh's dad's house in Sparta Wi. Austin always has fun with cousins Casey and Layney. They all had their flag shirts on.

We also took a trip with all the Stegings in June. We rented a person's property for the week outside of the Wisconsin Dells. A fun touristy town known for waterparks and scenery. The place we stayed at was really great. We had a couple of cabins, lots of trails, ponds, zipline, grills and fire pits all over the place. You could even take a canoe trip out and see a bald eagle nest complete with adults and babies. It was really cool. We took some pics of Austin for his belated first birthday and some family ones too. Using the property as our back drop.

Me on the zip line, I almost made it across with out getting wet. As I threw the line back it got tangled, you can tell Josh was happy about it.

Austin throwing rocks and laughing. This is his new fav thing to do. He is in constant search for rocks to throw.

Our big boy starting to eat with a spoon. He is messy, but is trying.


Amanda Stehlik said...

The rock video is great! His laugh is contageous.

Unknown said...

sorry you are skinny in the awesome family pic. WI looks great. I miss you guys.