Friday, August 14, 2009


We are out like the Gout....

Well, the house is sold, so that means we have to move. We have two ginormous PODS in our driveway as you can see. Since we are homeless for the time being, we felt it was the best way to go since they will just put all of our stuff in storage. My dad came up this week to help. It has been so nice, since Austin doesn't make packing the easiest. Until my dad arrived. The majority of our packing had been done between the hours 8-midnight.

Grandpa and Austin sitting in the POD....too cute.


Unknown said...

whoa! you guys DO move a lot. I'm glad I have this blog to keep me in the king loop. Please keep updating so I can stay informed. Hang in there!

Mrs. H said...

Thank goodness for Grandpas, huh? Good luck with the move!!