Thursday, October 4, 2007

Holy $#@*!!!!

This was pretty much my response when I saw this spider in my garage yesterday. It was not doing a very good job of hiding in the corner, since you's GINORMOUS! That's my shoe in the pic. I mean this picture does no justice for the size of this thing, because at this point it is all shriveled up and dead. Death by spraying the F- out of it with Ortho Home defense Max. This was no easy task. I sprayed it in the corner, it took off under the car, made a run for it out of the garage, and half way down the driveway, with me spraying the whole time. Finally it quit moving. I mean, I don't know how long of a run that was in spider world, but let's just say a good couple miles for argument sake. So, I'm going to town on this thing, and look up to find all the construction workers that are building this house across the street are sitting in there truck staring at me like I'm crazy. Just wanted you all to know. Apparently, Iowa isn't just known for it's truck stops, and corn. Big ASS spiders is on the list as well.


Li Li said...

The site of you running and spraying makes my day. Isn't that the best way? Not to squish it with a shoe but to drown it in chemicals. I mean...I may have used hairspray to do that before.

Mrs. H said...

You can't squish a spider like that. That thing probably actually had blood instead of spider guts. The thought of squishing it with your shoe makes me want to throw up. Good job with the Ortho. Gross.

Christy said...

I have used spray starch to kill a roach before. It became very stiff.