Tuesday, December 18, 2007

It's a Boy!!!

We had our ultrasound appointment last week, but decided to wait and post. We were in KC this weekend for my mom's birthday and wanted to surprise my family in person. Everything looked good. He was very active kicking and arms moving like crazy. We had a full face shot and he even yawned. It was very cool. She went to go make another check to make sure it was a boy, and she said oh, now his hand is down there....I was like yep, it's a boy. She said the baby was weighing about a week ahead. He was almost a pound! No names of yet, we are still thinking. Austin is a front runner, I like Noah this week. We know that King will be the middle name for sure, so always open for ideas.

I love this shirt. Comfy with a good message, "Hugs, not drugs." This was one of my laying around the house outfits. I was putting laundry away the other day and ran across it. Still fits!!! Err...something like that. Josh and I had a good laugh. So this is me at 21 weeks.

Me and Papa King this weekend. We were twinkies with our matching sweaters and bellies.

My sister Tara is pregnant as well, she is due Feb. 2. We had my other sister Megan surrounded with our ginormous bellies.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Snoogle in the Hzouse...

After a few uncomfortable nights of sleeping, partially from being uncomfortable and partially because I'm so paranoid by all these books, "Don't sleep on your back!" "Sleep only on your left side!" I would barely wake up and immediately assess my sleeping situation and panic. Anyway, I was browsing Amazon the other day and thought I would check out the snoogle....$44 and free shipping later...I was excited. Last night was my first night snoogling it up, and...I...loved...it. Words can't express my joy of sleeping with this thing. Pretty much those pictures might as well have been me last night, (except I don't wear satin pajamas...hello, hot. I would sweat to death.) Now those of you who know Josh, he's a snuggler...and he was not excited about the snoogle...until this morning when I got up for work. Got out of the shower and guess who was snoogling and snoring.

When I was reading reviews for the snoogle this one was hilarious. I just had to add it, because it made me laugh so hard. It obviously didn't deter me from buying it.

When I first bought Snoogle, I loved it, as it was perfectly supportive as promised. Then my toddler barfed in our bed, and some of it unfortunately splashed on Snoogle. Snoogle's cover had to be washed. Snoogle's cover is very snug, without a hint of stretch. Snoogle's ONE cover opening is in a very awkward location. I was so frustrated with trying to put Snoogle's cover back on after washing that I left it off and left the pillow bare. Big mistake. Snoogle's supportive secret is in its cover because when left without, it's basically a flat blob of cheap batting that stores body heat like an extra-lumpy camel and then spits it back at you during the night. Why do people devise ways to frustrate pregnant women? Finally, today, I put Snoogle's cover back on, and after a half-hour of twisting, writhing, cursing and taking two breaks ... I got the stupid cover back on but didn't even have a post-coital glow as an added benefit.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Weird Dreams

I have been having some crazy dreams lately. Josh is apparently having sympathy crazy dreams, because well...I'll just tell you the story. Last week, I woke up in the middle of the night after having a weird dream. I could tell Josh was somewhat awake as well, so I said, "You need to call six creditors back after we go for a ride in the helicopter around New York City." (Pause) Josh: "Oh yeah, well the trapeze artist performing at the K-State game fell off her swing and knocked her teeth out. She lost her top in the process, and since I didn't help her up she said"...(as apparently she shook her boobs at him) "Thanks a lot Josh." After I called him a creep, we had a good laugh.

Now we almost try and remember them so we can later analyze. Last night I dreamt that I had the baby, like as pregnant as I am right now, and it took 4 minutes. I kept thinking it would hurt more, but then I thought it's because I'm not very far along. Weird. Josh dreamt that Brett Favre came over to play catch with him, but he kept throwing the football too hard. Oh, but it doesn't end there. He also dreamt that there was scandal at the spelling bee when a girl was found cheating by wearing a microphone in her ear therefore, outlawing ALL hearing aids!!!!

Josh says it's because we don't drink as much anymore.