Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Booger Butt!

How come I don't feel a year older, but he looks huge!! 22 lbs 9 oz at the doctor, 21 1/2 in for ht, still 50% across the board except for his 80% head. I think that is why he is always falling over.

Austin had his first birthday party the other day. It was fun. We had some fam in town, and a few friends came over to help us celebrate. He really wasn't into his cake. He had like a few courtesy bites since we were all staring at him, but then he was over it. We'll see if he still feels that way next year.
Helping me bake cookies for the weekend. He hugs the oven and puts his mouth on it. I feel the same way about cookies every time I make them.

Birthday breakfast. I mean it might be the same breakfast he gets most days, but that day it had a candle. :)

Grandpa and Grandma King helping open presents.

So, this is what happens when you move to just one nap. Austin has been rejecting his afternoon nap, so we have been just shooting for one, and the kid fell asleep mid bite. Even after cleaning everything up, he was out. He told me later when he woke up, "Sorry for sleeping mom!"

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Things have been crazy around here to say the least. Josh's job is questionable right now. We are just trying to keep a happy face on and hope for the best. We are thinking about moving back to Kansas City. There I said it. We have a lot to think about, so just keep us in your thoughts. I will update when I know more. Until then. Austin turns one in a few days. I guess I haven't updated his "stats" in a while, so....let's see.

  • He walks/runs all over the place. Especially when he knows he shouldn't be playing with something.

  • He says "tickle, tickle, tickle" while moving his is so cute. I will try and get it on video.

  • He says Da-Da, and occasionally ba-ba for mama...but usually when prompted to say mama, he stares at you for a few seconds, and then very confidently says "DAD!"

  • He waves back if you wave at him. Sometimes just not right when you wave at him. He is the late waver. About 30 seconds after walking away he starts waving with both hands.

  • He is a chatter box in the mornings. I can be half asleep, but his legs are kicking a mile a minute, and his mouth is going just as fast. No idea what he is talking about, but he is excited.

  • He loves to clap, and point at EVERYTHING...especially lights. Josh has a clapper in his office, (because he is a HUGE nerd), and he has trained Austin to bang on the top of the hard drive to turn it on. If he could do it all day long he would.

  • Anything that makes noise he loves it. Plastic balls on the wood floor. LOVES IT!!! Josh...hates it.

  • He's a hugger. I ask him for a kiss, and he gives me the biggest hug. I love it!

Some pics. and a video of him playing with a ball.

Big boy!!

Our eating machine......

This video is lame, I admit. He is just playing with a ball, but it's for the grandparents.