Monday, October 1, 2007

Back to the doctor

Well the saga continues...just kidding, no saga. Christy said I had to blog after each appointment. I guess this would apply to my two rules I have given myself in the world of blogging. It either has to be informative, or funny. I will warn you now, this isn't going to be funny, so if that's the only reason you consider looking at my might want to check out Maria's. There is a picture of Jett next to a whiskey bottle the same size as him. That was pretty funny.

So, we went, and I figured they get up in your grill every visit...but I guess that's not true, because she didn't....and I told Josh that was a waste of a shave. I felt like I got all dressed up for nothing...but...I digress. We did get to hear the heartbeat which was nice. Apparently, sometimes this early you can't hear it through the stomach, so it was nice that we did. The first heartbeat was mine, and I was like oh, there it is!!! (Feeling smart)...and she goes...uh, no, that's your heartbeat. I was like...sorry I'm not a doctor. We did hear it, and it was very fast, she thought like 160, last time it was 150. I'm like dang, what is it doing in there, taking laps?

I also asked her about the previous sonogram which indicated extra amniotic fluid, and luteal cysts. She said the cysts, are the energy behind the gestational sac that the baby lives on until the umbilical cord develops, and the extra amniotic fluid isn't a big deal that early because the baby is not using that either. She said eventually the baby starts to breath it in, and then excretes it out through the kidneys, so later when they do the 20 week sonogram if there is extra amniotic fluid is a concern.

Sooo...pretty much all this information makes me realize I know nothing about the female body or fetal development.


Christy said...

You are still shaving? I gave that up as soon as I found out! Glad everything is good. Off to Maria's blog.

Lena said...

I still shaved up to 8 months!! You will have great opportunities to take pictures of your kid, I just captured the momment!
Keep up the blogging after every appointment, it makes me feel like I am there!
By the way, did the tornadoes hit you?

Li Li said...

I beg to differ. That was a funny blog. You said, "Sorry I am not a doctor."

Chancy Smith said...

I love to hear what you guys do each visit. You are a visit ahead of me, so it is nice to hear what you get to do.

Anyone else get a cool bag full of stuff at their last visit? I did! Yea!

Jeremy and Kamie said...

I couldn't believe it either that the Dr didn't get all up in my business each visit. The second time I went in I had to pee so bad that I went before the visit but didn't realize they make you take a pee test every visit. Whoops. Then I was like great - I have to strip down and get all intimate with the Dr. Nope. Sweet. Just measuring and listening to the heartbeat.
I can't see anything to is pathetic.

Jeremy and Kamie said...

P.S. I get a ton of stuff every visit - diaper bag, free stuff. Then I went to a maternity store and they are sending me like $600 in Huggies merchandise. Hello. If you have the Motherhood store, they hook a sista up.

Mrs. H said...

I don't think it's possible for you to blog and not be funny. Good stuff.

Glad that everything's dandy. You're sure you only have one baby in there, right? There seems to be something goin' around...