Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Lemon Bars

As I sit here eating a lemon bar, I have been thinking....I need a job. All I want to do is eat. All day long. I'm trying really hard to be good, and I will say I guess I've never been a big "sweet" eater, but...MAN, this pregnancy...it's like, before, I guess I just drank. Now that I can't drink, I want to eat...lemon bars, chocolate cake, popsickles, vanilla creme cookies, (yes, these have all been consumed in my house recently) ICE CREAM. I dream about ice cream. I wish I dreamt about fruit and vegetables. How come the baby never craves healthy stuff. I will say, the one thing I have no desire to eat is a cheeseburger. Josh has been trying to make burgers for a month, and I'm like, it just doesn't sound good. Maybe if he threw some frosting on it, I would be in.


Mrs. H said...

I hear you loud and clear. The culinary arts class makes these toffee bars every once in a while, and I literally dreamt about them last night. I think about cookie dough and cake batter, too, but I'm not supposed to eat those. I only craved waffles with Charlie - now, it's bring on the sweets!!

Christy said...

Now you can have your Starbucks Lemon Bars and not worry about the fat grams. Remember when we would go to Starbucks during Freshman lunch? I miss that. Oh, how I miss it.

Chancy Smith said...

I just think that it is sooooo funny that ALL of us are craving sweets..........Ok, you just gave me a new blog posting! Check it out!

Unknown said...

you make me sick

Jeremy and Kamie said...

I don't crave sweets! I crave cheeseburgers! I used to eat chocolate all the time before I was pregnant but now, nothing. Don't want it. I do love cheeseburgers though and mexican food. I could eat mexican food every day. I guess us Northerners are different.

Maybe you are all having girls - some people say if you crave sweet stuff you are having a girl. I am having a boy....can't wait to hear if that is true.

Chancy Smith said...

Well, thanks to you, I made lemon bars this weekend! They were awesome! Thanks for the idea!

Unlike Kamie, I used to want Mexican food everyday. Now, not so much. Nothing Mexican sounds good to me!

(there is a joke there, but I am going to leave it at that!)

Lena said...

I hated hamburger till about the middle of the second trimester, then I was fine.