Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Matthew McConaughey

Josh and I were watching tv the other night, and a commercial for We are Marshall came on, and Josh says to me, "Do you think he's hot?"
Me: "Duh!!"
Josh: "Do you think you two would make a good fit?"
Me: "Josh...that's the stupidest question you have ever asked me."
(Eye roll)
"Of course we would."


Mrs. H said...

Beautifully written. I feel as if I was there for the conversation. My favorite part is the parenthesis (eye roll). Classic.

And of course you'd be good together!

Christy said...

"make a good fit"? Hey Josh, the 1800's called and they want their courtship saying back.

Unknown said...

lol...oh christy....you will always be the master of the "_____called." Anyway, who wouldn't do a mcconaughey?