Tuesday, October 23, 2007

More Subbing Stories

I subbed today...elementary...resource room. I told Josh I wasn't going to work elementary unless, it was something easy like resource room, and there was nothing else available...well wouldn't you know what was available this morning...resource room. Mainly the reason I don't like to teach in the class, is because the idea of 20-30 elementary school kids scares me. Resource room I can handle. Few kids come in, you help them read, the math is easy, and you send them on their merry way. I admit the main reason why I like to sub middle and high school is because the majority of teachers...like those who read this blog...will have video/worksheet/play on the computer day when they are gone. This allows me to do more important things like Sudoku and crossword puzzles. Subbing for elementary...you know you have to teach, and dare I say...even make a difference, because if you don't, it's suddenly Romper Room, and you are hearing 50 stories about their friend's cousin's uncle who broke his ankle doing something stupid...and have to pretend like it's really interesting.

The Teacher's definitely complain about different things. For example, I overheard this conversation..."I had to send Johnny to the office, because he was drinking the paint water during art today." I was like, "Yeah, that's like the time I had the officer remove a kid because he called me a racist and wouldn't stop yelling black power....no?...not the same?"...I will say one thing I do like about elementary kids, is the fact that they have no concept of age. This one kid I helped today asked me if I was in high school or college. I could have cried. I was like, ahhh, you're sweet...I'm in college. I mean, you gotta boost that self-esteem...mine, not his.


Li Li said...

LO-freakin' loud. Black power. Yes, I am in college. Man. You tell some good stories.

Christy said...

That was my favorite part too. Yes I'm in college. Well, I found out I am older than most of my 8th graders parents. Nice.

Ryann said...

uh...I think that's ok.

Lena said...

You are killing me!

Mrs. H said...

It's really all about your self esteem anyway.

Keep the stories comin'! Love it!

Unknown said...

LOL...great stories. And, yeah if you were subbing in my room today (yes i'm off) then you would have it easy: worksheets the whole period. Plenty of time for crosswords.

Did i say I miss you?