Let me start off with a little background informasche...I sub for a small local district. So small it's not automated. One of the secretaries calls me whenever they have a job. Last week I got a call from her asking if I would like a position that would be everyday for a month or so. I'm thinking, sure, that would be awesome...but I'm still a little leary, so I inquire what the position is. Come to find out it's "helping" a student..and by helping I mean, following her around all day long. That's all she will tell me. I ask if this is teacher pay or associate pay, (associate pay is by the hour and about $30 less a day,) she says associate.
Yeah, I'm like uh...Latabreshia (names have been changed to protect their identity,) I would rather not take an associate job since I am due in April I really need to work as much and for as much as I can. She says fine, we go our seperate ways. She calls me the following week with 3 jobs, all teacher jobs...and I'm thinking sweet, she is not going to call me to be an "ass." anymore. BUT I WAS WRONG.
Now here's why I don't like being an associate...less pay...one break, lunch usually about 15 min....usually are attached to a child's hip that has "issues". Why I end up taking associate jobs....nothing else is available...or Latabreshia calls me at 6 am when I'm dead asleep and not functioning...and I'm too much of a sucker to say no.
So last Thursday...Bresh calls me earlier in the day for 2 jobs for the next week. Later I noticed she has called again while I was out...and think oh, she probably has a job for me for Friday...since we had 3 snow days last week, I was kind of thinking I might not get a call Friday...thus the adventure begins....I'm like LB...it's Ryann...she says, oh, I was calling because remember that job I told you about last week helping the girl at the high school...I feel the anger of being suckered starting to rise...."...yes..." I say...well, the girl I found to do it is out sick tomorrow can you cover......."...yes.." I say... at the high school right? At this point, I'm getting over it, and thinking it can't be all bad. But LB hits me one more time..."yes, at the high school, but you will be meeting her at the elementary school and riding the bus over with her. She is to be supervised at all times. Thanks bye!"
So the next day I pick her up at the elementary school her mom is a teacher there and tells me, mind you I have no idea why I following this girl around in the first place, that she is to not have a pencil with her until she gets to school. So, I'm like, did she stab someone with a pencil or something what craziness have I gotten into...then I'm there waiting for the bus with the other high school kids, she jumps on sits with her friends, I pretty much just sit in the front with some band girl who's talking to her friend about something slutty their friend this weekend all the while getting stared at by the bus driver who was looking at me like, who's the new pregnant student. I felt stupid and I'm sure this girl did too, having me follow her around all day.
Come to find out...this girl's a cutter...pencils, scissors...and I'm like, ok I get that she probably needs to be watched and should have some restrictions put on her...but I literally did nothing but follow her around. I read 200 pages of my book sitting in her classes. That's what was so dumb about it. Probably the only time she was by herself was in the bathroom and changing for gym class. I'm like I can solve all these problems for you. Make her sit at the front of the bus by the driver...no bathroom/locker unless with an adult. An office person can take 2 minutes to go with her. I mean this job was ridiculous...and I couldn't help but think this would not happen in a bigger district, and maybe you are drawing more attention to this girl..which could be a bad thing, if that's what she is looking for. She was starting to talk to me a little by the end of the day, and asked me to help her with her writing assignment...as I start to read it, it starts out like this..."I didn't cut myself today!!!!"...and then she asked me how to spell fetish....later as I was riding the bus back to the elementary school all I kept thinking was...I hate associate jobs.