Monday, March 31, 2008

Ok...It's April.

Let's make it happen people!!!

"Now...I'm just saying if you want to come out a little early, I mean as long as you are ready I would be ok with that."

Actually, I'm trying to remember when I was able to see past my belly. It's probably better I don't anyway. :)

Well, here is heading into the 9th month smiles and all. Don't let it fool you. I spent the rest of the day on the couch, and...maybe I cried at ESPN when they interviewed a women's basketball coach, who had just given birth...mainly out of jealousy. Freaking hormones....

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Nothing like taking a long term sub job when you are 9 months pregnant.

Got a call Sunday for a sub job this week. All week. 6th grade Geography and 8th grade Science at the small district I sub for. Sure...why not. Show up, and the secretary says..."Yeah, this guy just quit on us." I'm like awesome, so go down there, obviously no lesson plans. There was a note card that said here are the chapters I left off with. I'm like waiting for someone to come and tell me maybe what I should do for the one comes. Go back to the office. The secretary says, "Just give them a study hall." Yeah, 6th and 8th graders study hall the Monday after spring sounds like a giant nightmare. So, I basically just go back find a couple of textbooks, and quick throw together some book work for the day and call it good.

Now we have had some other drama in the Iowa City area. It has been on the major news
I went to go talk to the principal about what was going on for the day, and everyone in the office was talking about I was like, OK...guess I'm doing my own thing. And p.s. totally drove by this guy's burned car on my way to work Monday too.

So fast forward 2 days week job has been extended to as long as I can stay. I'm getting long term sub pay (about $60) more than regular. I pretty much called up the tech guy and had an account set up so I can get on the computer. I guess this guy didn't even put in his grades, so another teacher had to do it. The random thing is he was a long term sub too...trying to get on staff for the next year. Stupid.

So, I'm pretty much rolling this thing out. Negatives-it's such a small district I'm the only Geography and Science teacher for these grades, so no lesson plans I can steal from other teachers....Really teaching again, lesson plans..grades...etc. Positives-more money, can stay as long as I'm able, no first or last period...and another teacher is in my I can "sneak" out. And technically I am still a sub, so it's not like I have to impress them with my curriculum skills. They are just pumped that I am doing lesson plans on my own.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

33 weeks and the Nursery.

Busted eating ice cream....ok, it's really not that hard to bust me eating ice cream. 33 weeks this week. Everything is right on track. Went to the doctor. After a little conversation about gaining 8 lbs....apparently when I told her I baked cookies and ate half the dough right before my appt., it did nothing for her....everything else was good. Heartbeat, blood pressure, measuring, all on track. just counting down these last 7 weeks!!

My parents came to visit this weekend. Iowa Targets hate to carry our crib. Couldn't find it anywhere but KC, so we bought it there. Then with the arrival of our nephew and other craziness, this was the first weekend they were able to get away for a visit and bring it to us.

Which leads to the excitement of working on the nursery this weekend. Able to get things in place, and mostly organized. We had previously painted a while back. Went with the jungle theme, I thought the animals were cute...Josh said lets have an emphasis on it's a combination of both. Rocking horse is Josh's when he was a kid. Plus, Josh and my mom thought "Monkey" was too grown up for the crib, so he is rocking out on the bed with the ukelele.

All the stuffed animals we have received so far...lots of monkeys too...even a K-State bear. They are keeping the bed warm for Austin.

The crib was really our only major piece of furniture we bought. Everything else is sort of a mix. This dresser we took from my parents basement when we moved to Dallas. The top is nice and wide, so we thought great for a changing table. Rocking chair my mom had bought at a garage sale for their house after my first nephew was born, but she never used it.

Couple of things we would still like to add and organize. A little bookshelf in the closet, and to the walls, picture frames and such, but for the most part that's about it!! We are getting excited to meet this little guy!

But until then...there's lots of good ice cream to eat. Just trying to make sure I get all my calcium requirements!!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

I might be going to hell for this...but it had to be shared.

I know this must be a good story if Josh says..."Why don't you blog about it." I mean he says this a lot, but he's usually joking. Apparently making fun of the time I spend creating and or checking other people's blog, he's a real card that one. Of course it's about subbing, because that's all I do in Iowa. I don't go outside...because, well, that would be silly.

You ever see that movie Shallow Hal? With Jack Black and Gwenyth Paltrow...well, I'll come back to that in a sec. I was at the Middle school helping out in the resource room...yes, I took an associate, I don't want to talk about it. So, there is basically 2 rooms with a door missing, so it's kind of like 1 big room with a partition. In the front room is a couple teachers, myself, and a couple of kids working on stuff. In the back part is 2 girls that come over from the high school. One of the girls is extremely obese. I mean she is 15 and probably 300 bills, no joke. I have had her and this other girl in class before. They are pretty much each other's only friends. Except the big girl started a rumor about this other girl and ruined her life. (That was last month anyway.) Anywho, back to the story.

So we are all working...when CRASH!!! This noise comes from the back room. So we all go back there and at first we are all just shocked frozen for a couple of seconds surveying the scene. The bigger girl had broken her chair she was sitting in. It made me think of that scene in Shallow Hal when they are at the diner and her chair breaks. And Jack Black is yelling at the waiter going...."What's this thing made out of anyway"...and the guys like..."Steel."

That was this chair. The two back legs that were welded together were bent completely back. Like it was an SNL skit or something. I mean you felt sorry for the girl because she bit it pretty hard...but the whole thing was so shocking. The best part of this whole of the teacher's is like..."yeah, I think that chair was let me get you another one." What does she bring? Out of all the mismatched chairs in this identical chair to the one she just broke. I'm like man, kick her while she's down.