Thursday, March 6, 2008

I might be going to hell for this...but it had to be shared.

I know this must be a good story if Josh says..."Why don't you blog about it." I mean he says this a lot, but he's usually joking. Apparently making fun of the time I spend creating and or checking other people's blog, he's a real card that one. Of course it's about subbing, because that's all I do in Iowa. I don't go outside...because, well, that would be silly.

You ever see that movie Shallow Hal? With Jack Black and Gwenyth Paltrow...well, I'll come back to that in a sec. I was at the Middle school helping out in the resource room...yes, I took an associate, I don't want to talk about it. So, there is basically 2 rooms with a door missing, so it's kind of like 1 big room with a partition. In the front room is a couple teachers, myself, and a couple of kids working on stuff. In the back part is 2 girls that come over from the high school. One of the girls is extremely obese. I mean she is 15 and probably 300 bills, no joke. I have had her and this other girl in class before. They are pretty much each other's only friends. Except the big girl started a rumor about this other girl and ruined her life. (That was last month anyway.) Anywho, back to the story.

So we are all working...when CRASH!!! This noise comes from the back room. So we all go back there and at first we are all just shocked frozen for a couple of seconds surveying the scene. The bigger girl had broken her chair she was sitting in. It made me think of that scene in Shallow Hal when they are at the diner and her chair breaks. And Jack Black is yelling at the waiter going...."What's this thing made out of anyway"...and the guys like..."Steel."

That was this chair. The two back legs that were welded together were bent completely back. Like it was an SNL skit or something. I mean you felt sorry for the girl because she bit it pretty hard...but the whole thing was so shocking. The best part of this whole of the teacher's is like..."yeah, I think that chair was let me get you another one." What does she bring? Out of all the mismatched chairs in this identical chair to the one she just broke. I'm like man, kick her while she's down.


Li Li said...

I love that part on Shallow Hal..."uh, steel?" haha...good times.

Christy said...

yes, funny movie. and I totally pictured that whole scenerio going down in my head. Sometimes steel isn't as strong as it seems.

Lena said...

OMG, one of my students, name Matt, of course they call him Fat Matt, sat in a desk a couple of days ago and it was totally slow motion, fell forward, face planted to the ground!! It was great!! Of course, we all started chanting Fat Matt!!