Monday, March 31, 2008

Ok...It's April.

Let's make it happen people!!!

"Now...I'm just saying if you want to come out a little early, I mean as long as you are ready I would be ok with that."

Actually, I'm trying to remember when I was able to see past my belly. It's probably better I don't anyway. :)

Well, here is heading into the 9th month smiles and all. Don't let it fool you. I spent the rest of the day on the couch, and...maybe I cried at ESPN when they interviewed a women's basketball coach, who had just given birth...mainly out of jealousy. Freaking hormones....


Christy said...

I love in the 2nd picture how your pants are barely hanging on to your tiny little rear. And, I here ya, let's get this show on the road.

Chancy Smith said...

Ok, you are so tiny!!! Can you say totally jealous? I think this is the hardest part ......just the waiting.....ugh! Can't wait to see little Austin!

Lena said...

You look great!! Thanks for the TAG!!

lauren said...

Looks like you guys are totally ready for Austin! Thanks for the blogs, Ryann. They're great.

Jeremy and Kamie said...

Here's to the home stretch! (As Hudson is crying in his swing) and here's to a few more nights of quiet. :)