Aurora tagged me. I'm passing my tag on to Lani, Chancy, and Maria.
Here's the skinny:1. link to the person who tagged you.2. post the rules.3. share 6 non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.4. tag at least 3 people.5. make sure the people you tagged know you tagged them by commenting to them.6 non-important things/habits/quirks about myself:As I was starting to type this I was just thinking out loud, "What are some quirks/habits I have?" Josh being in the room with me started to rattle off a list like no one's I guess I will write these from Josh's point of view....or I should say Josh's pet peeves of me.
1. I leave cabinet doors open (mainly in the kitchen). I will say the King household growing up didn't have "latches" that worked really well on our kitchen cabinets, so they swung freely with ease....I don't know, doesn't bother me.
2. I'm a klutz. I run into things a lot, mainly my arms and elbows, it's like I'm not aware of them as I go through door ways. It's pretty much a daily occurrence for me to be in the other room and you hear a "thud" "Ow"...Josh:(laugh), "Imagine that." Playing indoor soccer, Josh said I was constantly on the ground, I told him it's called being aggressive, but I can still hear him from the stands yelling "stay vertical!!"
3. Chewing on my face...Not only was I cursed with tiny teeth, but a few years ago a dentist told me I was a
clencher and a grinder. Which I find makes tiny teeth tinier. I catch myself doing it sometimes, or I wake up with a sore jaw. Josh has pointed out to me another bad habit that I do which is chew on my cheeks or my tongue...or as Josh calls it, "chewing on my face." Hence, why I chew gum by day...but apparently I do it at night too. So, occasionally I get the, "you were chewing your cud so loud last night. "
4. Absent mindedness...if that's a word. Josh claims that I just don't think sometimes, (also see being a
klutz), or I'm just in another world. I will ask him the same question several times. We will drive by restaurants, and I will say, "we should eat there sometime," which Josh says, "We have." He says I D.A. him a lot...dead air...where I take too long to answer him. I mean mainly it's when I'm multitasking a.k.a. watching TV. But, then again the Dallas lunch crew nicknamed me Rose (from the Golden Girls) I don't know.
OK...enough of Josh's thoughts....before we get divorced.
5. I'm an OC hand washer. Not so much because I am afraid of germs, but more because I feel like I have a film on my hands...or I don't like going from different tasks without washing my hands first. Like if I go for a walk, I have to immediately wash my hands when I get back home, or after I am done typing this I will go wash my hands before bed....but then sometimes I forget if I have washed my hands recently, so I will wash them again. I don't know...weird.
6. Restaurants-more condiments and liquids...I will drink water/soda as long as the waiter keeps bringing it to me. Most times, I can't wait for the refill, therefore, I will drink Josh's water as well while I wait. Back in the day when I could drink. My favorite was going somewhere for brunch after a night out, and I would order no joke...water, OJ, Coke, and a Bloody Mary...and yes, I'm a nerd, a perfect day would me bringing a multivitamin as well. All the ingredients for successfully treating a hangover. But it doesn't end there. I will order an item like chicken fingers, which might be like 4 or 5 in an order, and I will have just as many if not more condiments on the side...ketchup, ranch, honey mustard, BBQ sauce, blue cheese...yes, I will take them all.