Sunday, April 27, 2008

Come out Baby Austin!!!

40 weeks along. Apparently Austin has not received the memo that it's time to come out. I even got an email from one of those weekly pregnancy newsletters congratulating me on 38 weeks of gestation....I'm like, whoever wrote that has obviously not gestated for 38 weeks.

Go back to the doctor Wed. will do a non-stress test on the baby to make sure he is still enjoying himself in there. My vote is probably so. After that we will set up an induction date for the following week. My doctor says very calmly...we don't like you to go past 41 weeks. THANK GOD FOR THAT! So, the latest we are looking at is the 6th or 7th.

Everyone has their theories of why he's not here yet. The most popular though is..."He's a King so of course he's late...."

My nephew Eric was so cute, he has been talking to Austin all week. Giving my belly a pat, and telling him to come out and play. It's a 2 part-er, 3 year olds don't always get it on the first take. :)


Amanda Stehlik said...

I have been stalking your blog even more than normal...just waiting for the big news. Here's hoping you shoot that boy out tomorrow!

Chancy Smith said...

Well, looks like it is you, me and Kosha for the race of May 08. I have my doctor appointment tomorrow and we have a sono. That will decide if Cooper waits till Monday to come out or if they take her early. Brandon has been trying to talk to her and get her to come on out. I don't think she is listening.