Friday, May 2, 2008 due date was last Sunday...

Went back to the doctor Wed., and today. Not much progression. Did a stress test, he is still very happy. Dilated 1 cm, but his head is very high up. She said she would set the induction date for Tuesday. We will go back Monday to check everything again, and then depending on what my cervix is like will possibly go to the hospital Monday night for a hormone pill to help ripen my cervix, and then go back Tuesday to induce.

It's frustrating, and I'm umcomfortable. The past couple days I've been having some pretty intense contractions, so it was annoying to not have much change from Wed...but I'm happy that the baby is healthy, and things are progressing...and that there is an end in sight. At the last couple of my appts., I had been very emotional for various reasons, so when we were there Wed., I told Josh that if we went to Chipotle for lunch afterwards I promised not to cry. :) In honor of this thing coming to an end, I stole Lisa's idea and threw in a slideshow of the belly progression.


Mrs. H said...

That is quite the belly progression! Sorry that your little guy is sooo comfortable in there that he doesn't want to come out!! I hope it happens soon. I'll keep my fingers crossed for some cervix ripening and dilation:)

Amanda Stehlik said...

I'm sorry, too, that Austin is on his own schedule. Like you said...all is well so that is great...but I know you must be so anxious to meet him! Good luck on Tuesday...or maybe earlier!

Jeremy and Kamie said...

Sounds like exactly what happened to me. Hang in there. Let's hope that he decides to come out soon - but the cervix ripening isn't bad at all. Can't wait to see the King make his grand appearance. Good luck and we will be thinking of you in AK!

Unknown said...

Wow. I wish you a soon, speedy, and healthy delivery. I'm sad I can't come and visit you in the hospital. And, wow, your belly is HUGE! I guess he heard about the iowa cold and just figures he'll stay where it is warm and toasty. miss you guys...

Li Li said...

Hang in there! I am thinking about you daily hoping to get the text that Austin is on his way...fingers crossed that it all goes down tomorrow....and that everything is fast and healthy! Wish we could be there to welcome him! :)

PS-- nice slideshow!

PPS-- do i detect a tidge of the ol' armpit hair in the last pic? :)