Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Hopefully the last update...

After 3 crappy hours of sleep, where I just incorporated my contractions into my nightmares. I almost woke Josh up at 4 am, because I couldn't take it anymore. I was like, I don't care if they send me home again...I need drugs....but I eventually decided I could deal with it until 9am. So at our appt., have a contraction in the parking lot, bathroom, twice hooked up to the stress test....but just our luck the paper had run out, so didn't record any of them. Had another one while they are refilling the paper. Of course the Dr. comes right back in, and says..."Have you had any contractions today?" I mean I'm going on no sleep, and she's already come in and told us, that we aren't getting in until Thursday for the induction, unless someone cancels.

So, I had already decided Josh will be the designated "talker" at these appts., because if I talk several things could happen...a)crying...and or b)angriness and hate will spew from my mouth. Which would be bad for everyone. So, check the cervix...drum roll please!!!!....not quite a 2...you've got to be freaking kidding me...but this is the first time she could feel his head, and cervix was softer. She's like, I wish there was something we could send you in for like if he wasn't moving....but, then they would just look at his heart rate, and he is still having a party in there.

The positives: I left with some ambien to help sleep...writing this now, it was a beautiful thing last night. My parents came up yesterday. It's nice having them here for distraction for Josh and I. Still a chance we could get in for Wed., but Thursday is the day people!!

1 comment:

Mrs. H said...

What the heck! This is the longest labor I have ever heard of. You are such a trooper; hang in there. You've got a story that beats all stories!!!