Thursday, May 8, 2008

Meet Austin!

Austin King Steging
Born May 7, 2008 2:01 a.m.
8lb 1oz 20 1/4 in
It was a long awaited arrival, but it all happened so fast. Our induction that was set for Thursday we found out Tuesday at 4pm, that it was moved to Wednesday morning, and we were to go into the hospital Tuesday night at 7 pm for some prep work...a.k.a. cervix ripening gel. Now remember I had been having regular contractions about 10 min apart since Sat. So, we get in still only dilated to 2 cm, and the contractions are about 6-7 min apart. Still not close enough for there liking...the magic number being 5 min. I get the gel, sit for a couple of hours, check me again, no change...but the contractions intensity are starting to get much worse. Still send me home, tell me to take an ambien to help sleep, and will start induction at 7 in the morning.

Get home about 10pm, take the ambien STAT do some stuff around the house get ready for the next day....get in bed around 11ish....11:45 mid dream contraction....POP...I yell out to Josh, Oh, my gosh, my water just broke....and man, they weren't joking about that gush of fluid....more like a soaker hose..but anyway, getting back to the story. Now, my ambien dazed self, Josh and my parents arrive back at the hospital by 12:15. The ambien, doing absolutely nothing for the contractions I am now having which are more like 3 min apart, and I feel like I'm going to go into shock everytime I have one.
Check me again, now dilated to a 3, but says, we could give you an epideral, since you are contracting pretty hard on your own. Praise the lord!!! But...she says, I just want to bring in the nurse to do a quick sonogram, because I'm not sure if that was his butt or his head I was feeling. And here's where it just got crazy....pretty much found out at 12:45 he was the OR by 1:15...and he was born by c-section at 2:01. Let me tell you that spinal tap did not come soon enough...but after that I was on drug overload, ambien, spinal tap...morphine...not so good on the ole' stomach. I think I puked in every single room I was in that night, OR, recovery and Mother and baby room. AWESOME.

It's funny how these things work out. Austin came out with he cord wrapped around his neck 3 times. The first day he was having a hard time keeping his temp up, but has been on antibiotics and has really perked up since then and looks even different today than yesterday, so sending some updated pics. I'm doing well. Looking forward to getting the staples out of the belly, but no complaints. I'm glad he is here and healthy. Thanks for everyone's well wishes, emails, and phone calls! He is a cutie!!

Smiling for the camera!!

Kicking it with dad...taking care of my grease bonnet in the background.

"Squakin" as Josh calls it with Grandma King

Staying warm with Grandpa King


Mrs. H said...

Oh man, he's adorable! Congrats!

Amanda Stehlik said...

YEA! He's awesome! He just wanted to make sure everyone knew he is in charge now...don't make any plans unless you consult Austin! Madison was breech, too. They didn't figure it out until I was 9cm dilated. Then, they put me in a wheel chair to take me to the OR and I swear I had to hold her in. C Sections aren't so bad. Etiher your croth is ruined or your gut is ruined...who cares which! In the end, you have a healthy baby boy! Cograts to you all!

Lena said...

OH,he is a little Josh Doll!! That is scary, the cord being wrapped around his neck, I prayed to stay away from that!!
Congrats, he is precious!!

Liz said...

He is such a cutie!! Good job!!

Jeremy and Kamie said...

Ryann so glad everything turned out well. Aren't drugs fun? I puked pretty much the whole time I was in the OR. Then I just shivered non-stop. Glad you are on the mend! He is cute!

Anonymous said...

so cute! Love grandma

Li Li said...

YEA!! Congrats and Happy Mother's Day today! He is too cute, especially the one where he is smiling. Can't wait to see him in person-- one day soon I hope! :)

Unknown said...

I love the pictures. He's so tiny and cute. I like the story of your adventurous delivery. Hang in there staple woman, I wish we were there to see you all. I'm glad your parents are there for you though. Congrats to you and Josh both.