Monday, November 26, 2007

Sorry for....

Getting pulled over and given a breathalizer test. Last week Josh and I actually had friends in town, and so we celebrated by heading out to the bars. As we were leaving, I literally had made it a block away when I was being pulled over by a police car. I thought..ok, I didn't run a red light or anything, I just left my spot, what is going on. I proceeded to freak a little bit because our tags had just expired on the Cherokee, but we are rolling with it because our lease is up. The officer asks for the usual, I ask.."Um, why was I pulled over?" He says, "Well Ryann, your lights aren't on." I was like, "Oh my gosh this car has automatic lights, and I guess I accidently turned them off when I parked...etc....etc..." He says, "Well where are you coming from?" I'm like, "the bar scene!" Now this whole time Josh and our friends are laughing at me, and sort of jeering this whole process on. You would think not the normal, your drunk driver just was pulled over behavior. I explained to him that I was prego, and the d.d. to which he replies, "Well, then you won't mind taking one of these then." And pulls out a breathalizer. Before I could reply, Josh yells, "YEAH!!!!" in the backseat. Now, the Rose in me for a split second thought...I drank a Kaliber....Guinesses non-alcoholic beer. What if something comes up and he thinks I just lied to him....but that quickly diminished, when he said...."0.000" The rest of the car laughed and I apologized again for not realizing my lights weren't on. He said, "You're pregnant", (like, it's to be expected), but I didn't care because he let me go.


Mrs. H said...

That is beautiful. I can't believe he didn't just let you go when you said you were pregnant. I guess that's not a sure way to get out of being pulled over. Darn.

Have I ever mentioned how much your posts make me laugh? Maybe once.

Christy said...

Yes, yes. All awesome. And that would happen to Rose. I can totally picture Josh yelling stuff from the back while you are talking to the police officer.

Li Li said...

Only you. Only Rose. And only Josh would be egging it on in the back! I could see the whole thing play out in my head. It was pretty dang funny. :)

Unknown said...

OMG, that is freaking hilarious, because I really LOL'd when you wrote the part about Josh yelling, "yeah!" Wow, you finally get pulled over after leaving a bar and that's what happens?! Did you tell him about the time you were talking on your cell/eating fast food when you blew out a tire, after leaving a bar in Texas? I mean, Iowa must be struggling for stuff...just no lights? Lame-o. You rule.

Mrs. H said...

I totally forgot the tire blow-out episode. It is truly amazing that THIS is when you get pulled over. Someone must be watchin' over you.

Bradley Freedman said...

You've still got it, King! (or whatever your last name is now)
And if you HAD been drinking, who's going to arrest a pregnant woman? Even after you have your baby you should drive around with a pillow under your shirt.

Lena said...

That is some good stuff!!! Great visual of Josh, it was like a movie!!