Saturday, January 26, 2008

I got nothing...

Nothing to blog about...pretty much my world consists of snow and cold. So after getting bundled up, boots on, coat, gloves...just to take out the mail...I thought I would take a picture of my world right now. Yeah, that's a ginormous pile of snow almost above our mailbox. Wind chill has been - 12 this whole week. Man, I remember Dallas, when the newscasters would be like, careful, it's bitterly cold out there...high of 30. High of 30!! Now, I'm like give me 30!!! I would be outside shorts, if it was 30. Anyway, it sucks to be outside, so I don't go there. My light source consists of 3-way bulbs, and opening the refrigerator.


Chancy Smith said...

Sucks to be that cold! It was almost in the mid 60's here. Well, a few more days and you will be here! Yahoo!

Mrs. H said...

Oh man, that looks miserable!

Unknown said...

I've never lived anywhere like that. Now, I'll just follow your blog to understand it.

Jeremy and Kamie said...

We feel your pain...the winter can be pretty but the cold sucks. I love a crisp sunny day with snow on the ground in the high 20s-low 30s...that is a great winter day.
P.S. Like the house