Wednesday, January 9, 2008

New Nephew!!

Cameron Forbes Lebar was born Sunday Jan. 6th 5 lb 4 0z. 18 1/2 in long. He came to us a little early. My sister Tara was having some pretty bad contractions Saturday, and after a night in the hospital, herbal remedies, and muscle was time. Well, her placenta thought it was time anyway, it had started to pull away from her uterus. This was the reason for the horrible contractions and at around 6pm, they decided it was time for a c-section.
Everyone is doing well. Cameron was born about 4 weeks early. They consider him a near-term baby. Which means he has to spend time in the ICU under the "tanning bed" as my brother-in-law, Joe, calls it. They want him using his calories to grow instead of staying warm. Other than that everything else looks good. He has been nursing, and gaining weight!
Cameron chatting with big brother Eric. Eric is very excited about baby Cameron, he is all he talks about!
Eric playing in the partition curtain. who says those semi private rooms can't be fun?


Li Li said...

Congrats! That is my favorite part when babies are born...that they get wrapped up all the way to their faces. It looks so cozy!

Mrs. H said...

So the baby procession begins, huh? Congrats on the new nephew; he's a cutie!

Chancy Smith said...

He is so cute! li li says that is her favorite part when babies are born, but I guess we need to wait till we are all there.

Do we all have a plan about how we are all going to blog our birthing process?