Sunday, January 13, 2008

Nothing else to do...belly shots.

Bored, it's been a while since we've had a belly shot, so thought I would throw out some comparisons.

Here I am 19 weeks...Christmas tree is up...just got done with a little prenatal Pilates feeling great! Belly is starting to show. Being pregnant is kind of fun!!

Fast forward to 6 weeks later....25 weeks...Iowa has made me so pale, my skin looks iridescent. The joyfulness of pregnancy has become the realization of this isn't even close to being over and I'm only going to get bigger. My ab muscles have already stretched so far that when I sit up part of my intestines pokes through...cottage cheese belly as Lani tells me it's called.
It hurts so bad to do things I just don't bend over. I'm out. No more bending over until April. I stare at my sneakers with pure hatred. They just sit in my closet, mocking me to try and tie them. I think after month 5 slippers should be totally acceptable shoes for all pregnant women.

Now this picture, we'll just call it, "Exhibit B"...I'd like to examine the area where my ass should be....Has my stomach absorbed it? Do I have ass-trophy from sitting on the couch so much? I mean let's be honest this is no longer a butt it's a back-le. Part back part leg....Ridiculous. Well, guess I just added one more thing to my list of things not to do anymore..take profile pictures.


Christy said...

LOL. Good post. I love your butt, it is so tiny. Just a little guy.

Mrs. H said...

Oh, great post. You look pretty great for 25 weeks. Seriously, even with your belly absorbing your butt:)

Li Li said...

LOL! I didn't even notice your butt until you said, has my stomach absorbed it. Then I studied it and I was like, dang it is tiny. You are lucky. No saddle bags in your future. :)

Lena said...

There was a BUTT?
Them abs will be FLABs now!!! Unless you are like Lani!!

Unknown said...

missing butt is priceless. well done.

Jeremy and Kamie said...

Be lucky, having an ass and a belly AND big boobs is a unstable if not deadly combination. You look great! And you are not a member of the BCC - box cutter club!

won tong said...

Back-le that cracks me up and butt trophey, your lookin great, glad I stopped to check out your blog.. I'm Kamie's Mother-out law ( Jeremys mom) Keep the funny blog going were waiting for our little egg to hatch anytime!